Slovak Heroes™
1. havo
1. Marinelli82 62% Fresh
2. bumblebee 71% Fresh
1. Marinelli82 87% Max
2. ☣VeNoM☣
9. CanOfBeans 91% Fresh
11. P P 100%
13. mountain 53% Max
3. #Bran0_19#
7. Morty 100% Fresh
4. bc 95% Fresh
4. bc 71% Max
4. IvoASB
4. bc 61%
12. Dobby The Elf 48%
8. ***j3d1*** 70% Max
5. davca
6. eric (etg) 80% Fresh
8. ***j3d1*** 88% Fresh
5. TheForsaken 62% Max
6. bishop
14. OG LuDogg 100%
2. bumblebee 71% Max
7. rybko
12. Dobby The Elf 100% Fresh
3. ANGEL 61% Fresh
10. Mat 55% Max
8. svento
5. TheForsaken 49% Fresh
14. OG LuDogg 86%
8. ***j3d1*** 56% Max
9. andy
15. The Real Steve 100%
14. OG LuDogg 59%
1. Marinelli82 66%
6. eric (etg) 70% Max
10. killerik77
14. OG LuDogg 82% Fresh
10. Mat 54%
13. mountain 65% Max
14. OG LuDogg 73%
11. P P 100% Max
12. marko41
14. OG LuDogg 56%
11. P P 87%
12. Dobby The Elf 86%
7. Morty 100% Max
13. ⚡⚡⚡KESAN⚡⚡⚡
11. P P 87% Fresh
13. mountain 100%
6. eric (etg) 91%
7. Morty 100% Max
14. #KUBO#
15. The Real Steve 46% Fresh
10. Mat 60% Fresh
15. The Real Steve 60%
10. Mat 100% Max
15. emči
15. The Real Steve 60%
13. mountain 50% Fresh
15. The Real Steve 100% Max