wild wolf1
1. paeiz
1. OB 96% Fresh
1. OB 60% Max
2. taha
29. beige armadillo 86% Fresh
2. BOT 1 80% Max
3. jahani
7. -Killer Koala- 98% Fresh
4. ArchAngel 79% Max
4. ahmad
11. mark1 76% Fresh
5. bob the cookie 70% Max
8. ☠️Tox!c Monk3y☠ 69% Fresh
6. faith 72% Max
6. rahimi
14. Monkeysthumb 79% Fresh
7. -Killer Koala- 77% Max
7. Pourya.Akbari
2. BOT 1 85% Fresh
8. ☠️Tox!c Monk3y☠ 100% Max
8. BUL
9. white shadow 46% Fresh
9. white shadow 100% Max
10. uncle Liem 57% Fresh
10. uncle Liem 99% Max
10. تکاور بیقرار
5. bob the cookie 100% Fresh
11. mark1 60% Max
12. ♛hamidjon♚
12. goblin 100% Max
13. یاشار
13. Deano 74% Fresh
13. Deano 90% Max
16. امیرارسلان
4. ArchAngel 60% Fresh
14. Monkeysthumb 74% Max
17. ملیکا
15. Leah 89% Fresh
15. Leah 100% Max
18. ساقی
16. Sondog 84% Fresh
No damage
19. Z.Ch.A
17. afghanboi1 100% Max
20. *MEHRAN*
18. aussie 80% Fresh
18. aussie 99% Max
21. Торнадо
20. killer oli 92% Fresh
20. killer oli 100% Max
23. 『卄卂フ』✗✗『卂ㄥÎ』ツ
21. Mrs Potato head 100% Fresh
21. Mrs Potato head 100% Max
24. Mohammad Reza
22. juan 86% Max
25. bahram
23. king bar 87% Fresh
23. king bar 100% Max
26. oktay
25. General Jack 100% Fresh
25. General Jack 81% Max
27. ★ مـــــبارز ★
26. Caesar 85% Fresh
26. Caesar 51% Max
28. ErFaN
27. AKSHANSH 100% Fresh
27. AKSHANSH 100% Max
29. ⚡️Ali⚡️
6. faith 67% Fresh
28. مدمن كلاش 100% Max
28. مدمن كلاش 68% Fresh
29. beige armadillo 100% Max
31. ✨️AMIR✨️
30. YESWANTH 100% Max
33. beroo
31. Kawaki 64% Fresh
32. 4RDTP 64% Max
34. مرد تنها
32. 4RDTP 100% Fresh
31. Kawaki 85% Max
37. reza
33. hiteshhero 100% Fresh
33. hiteshhero 0%