1. 光復香港 ~ 成拮痴漢
13. RON 92% Fresh
2. Apollo the Bear 100% Max
2. 祖晨
2. Apollo the Bear 72% Fresh
5. Ëlëçtrïfyïñg 95% Max
3. 高比軒
11. Andromeda 86% Fresh
4. BravoÅñkür 100% Max
4. Kevin仔
5. Ëlëçtrïfyïñg 71% Fresh
1. No_Stars 100% Max
7. 吾係Paul哥
8. godzillaswife 75% Fresh
3. 2down 94% Max
8. 夜神月
4. BravoÅñkür 81% Fresh
9. vmax 100% Max
9. chunjai
7. maddzila 71% Fresh
8. godzillaswife 95% Max
10. YIP
17. Martian 71% Fresh
16. ATZENKALLE 77% Max
11. Xenialee
14. Groover Deux 82% Fresh
10. Bob Wills 100% Max
12. Lex_Aeterna
9. vmax 98% Fresh
11. Andromeda 100% Max
13. BBL
16. ATZENKALLE 86% Fresh
17. Martian 70% Max
14. cmeyip
10. Bob Wills 88% Fresh
7. maddzila 99% Max
15. 幻想大師
3. 2down 72% Fresh
13. RON 83% Max
16. 生死有命。富貴由天。
6. Pegasus 81% Fresh
6. Pegasus 99% Max
19. 1111111
1. No_Stars 64% Fresh
14. Groover Deux 100% Max