1. 真昼
4. white bandits 100% Fresh
5. Ser Nobel 100% Fresh
1. Harry 100% Max
2. sakamoto
8. Jay-B 100%
9. Wolverines 100%
7. d0cjc 90% Max
3. すとるど・D
1. Harry 100% Fresh
3. Lowmax11 100%
7. d0cjc 95% Max
4. homura
1. Harry 100%
2. dm 66%
1. Harry 100% Max
6. GuamH 100% Fresh
12. g1210 100% Fresh
9. Wolverines 79% Max
6. ルカパパ
1. Harry 74%
2. dm 100%
3. Lowmax11 71% Max
7. UMR
3. Lowmax11 100%
6. GuamH 90%
4. white bandits 100% Max
8. みゃ〜
9. Wolverines 77% Fresh
11. Barbarian Kirk 100% Fresh
9. Wolverines 87% Max
9. ビシィさん
7. d0cjc 100% Fresh
14. Channingtennis 100% Fresh
6. GuamH 82% Max
10. ❁¨̮ 美 鈴 ゚・*:.。❁
7. d0cjc 85%
10. thecrook 21 99%
3. Lowmax11 78% Max
11. 雨☔
2. dm 100% Fresh
3. Lowmax11 100% Fresh
2. dm 87% Max
12. ビシィさん3
8. Jay-B 94% Fresh
10. thecrook 21 100% Fresh
2. dm 100% Max
13. scoop
13. with stupid 100%
1. Harry 100%
13. with stupid 56%
6. GuamH 71% Max
14. xxアゴ戦士柴田xx
4. white bandits 100%
7. d0cjc 100%
5. Ser Nobel 76% Max
15. みれぃ♡
13. with stupid 72% Fresh
15. bora 100% Fresh
12. g1210 99% Max