# Byrons crew
1. JezabElle2
14. CrisMichaelcabz 100% Fresh
6. the master 100% Max
2. JezabElle
9. ⚡shing⚡ 98% Fresh
9. ⚡shing⚡ 76% Max
3. cuzzwah
4. Rhilik 92% Fresh
8. maria clara 71% Max
4. Tajee86
1. anjeng 87% Fresh
14. CrisMichaelcabz 83% Max
5. samus
1. anjeng 100% Max
8. nomis2
16. aQuArIuS'24' 98% Fresh
2. baby anj 100% Max
11. nomis
7. supremo 69% Fresh
12. maria-clara 94% Max
12. GoblinDestroyer
3. yeyu 100% Fresh
3. yeyu 90% Max
13. niall
17. jeff24 92% Fresh
4. Rhilik 100% Max
14. MitchS88
11. Hashirama 65% Fresh
7. supremo 61% Max
15. Milo
12. maria-clara 88% Fresh
5. DENZ-14 70% Max
18. niall2
2. baby anj 68% Fresh
11. Hashirama 72% Max
20. tim
15. ✴DENZ-14✴ 75% Fresh
15. ✴DENZ-14✴ 81% Max
22. ....BADRAN....
6. the master 79% Fresh
16. aQuArIuS'24' 64% Max
30. New Guy
8. maria clara 92% Fresh
17. jeff24 87% Max