Every Seconds
1. modi
1. lowelifer 66% Fresh
1. lowelifer 77% Max
2. ~Ram~Hunter~
2. Amir.Daneshi 100% Fresh
2. Amir.Daneshi 72% Max
3. Aashish
6. AndrewAbsher 85% Fresh
3. Willard the 1st 71% Max
4. Bad@rse2291 72% Fresh
4. Bad@rse2291 85% Max
5. ~Ram~Warrior~
5. Binyallos 100% Fresh
5. Binyallos 85% Max
6. Ram~Shocker~
3. Willard the 1st 80% Fresh
6. AndrewAbsher 100% Max
9. ~Ram~Gladiator~
7. saleh 58% Fresh
7. saleh 90% Max
11. ~Ram~Fighter~
8. tomid02 73% Fresh
15. Slesh 59% Max
13. ☆☆HAR$H☆☆
10. wickedypants 80% Fresh
10. wickedypants 100% Max
12. om8d 99% Fresh
8. tomid02 100% Max
16. yohr
13. Clan HunTer 54% Fresh
13. Clan HunTer 100% Max
17. ~Ram~Spartans~
15. Slesh 100% Fresh
12. om8d 100% Max
18. ~Ram~Manly~
21. cataloni 64% Fresh
21. cataloni 100% Max
19. ~Ram~Ninja~
24. Castle Black 82% Fresh
23. antonis 100% Max
23. antonis 63% Fresh
No damage