1. ぽん
2. Bryson 36000 85% Fresh
1. Kevlar859 74% Max
2. Can
3. Gazthegreat 59% Fresh
2. Bryson 36000 79% Max
3. ron
4. N.D.Roux 97% Fresh
3. Gazthegreat 83% Max
4. ちい
1. Kevlar859 71% Fresh
4. N.D.Roux 62% Max
5. fraz
5. Salsa 59% Fresh
5. Salsa 95% Max
6. Cyuto
6. jackson1095 61% Fresh
6. jackson1095 78% Max
7. ikakun
9. deathman 72% Fresh
9. deathman 59% Max
8. テンパ
10. archer.76 56% Fresh
10. archer.76 98% Max
9. ryoteen
27. Malc 53% Fresh
No damage
10. じょり
15. ADARSHADHUzzz 56% Fresh
15. ADARSHADHUzzz 100% Max
11. Tsuyosi^o^
14. Dragon Slayer 46% Fresh
16. wrecker 100% Max
12. みゆきち
16. wrecker 63% Fresh
27. Malc 65% Max
13. manic
33. dkhl65 74% Fresh
33. dkhl65 100% Max
14. mezma
34. Aiya-008 39% Fresh
34. Aiya-008 100% Max
15. metro
35. the big potato 66% Fresh
35. the big potato 100% Max